12-13 September 2024,
Málaga, Spain,
Russian Museum Collection
Join us for the I International Meeting on : Menkes & Other Rare Copper Diseases (MARCO I) & Charity Gala
Patients Registry
We strongly encourage everyone interested in Menkes disease, particularly health professionals, researchers, and patients’ families, to join our network and be part of the First Menkes Patients Registry.

Marco is not a baby but an angel. Can you help us cut his wings?

Making Menkes disease history
Making Menkes disease history
Making Menkes disease history
Making Menkes disease history
The Copper Star

The symbol of our Association was created to honor all our children who got their wings to reach the stars, especially in honor of Leonel whom his mother calls “The Prince of the Stars”.
The five pointed star is known as the Pentalpha of Pythagoras or Pentangle of Solomon, and represents the healthy human body as a head, two hands, and two feet.