Copper(less) Committee

The Copper(less) Committee is the scientific advisory body of Menkes International. It was created in March 2021 to develop the First dosing plan for human use for the exceptional treatment with elesclomol-copper (Es-Cu) for Marco, the First Menkes patient to receive this new drug to treat Menkes disease.

Since Menkes is a complex genetic disorder, the Committee is composed of scientists, researchers, medical doctors, pharmacometricians, pharmacists, chemists, biologists and families who work pro bono. The members meet regularly on Fridays at 16pm CET to exchange ideas and discuss scientific matters to provide advice to Menkes International on the ongoing initiatives such us:

  • The elesclomol-copper exceptional treatments for patients duly authorized;
  • Menkes early diagnosis protocols;
  • Ongoing research projects on Menkes disease;
  • New initiatives.

The members are listed here.