Birthday Letter from Terraneisha


Doctors: “I’m sorry Ms. Evans, but there is nothing else that we can do for your son. We can leave him in the medically induced coma and take the tube out so you can hold him until he stops breathing.”

Me: “No, I want you to wake him and pull the tube and if he stops breathing on his own I can accept that. I will not accept anything else. By the way can you do it today so I can have him a birthday party in his ICU room please? “

Doctors: “Yes we can do that.” During that time another doctor that was sitting next to me grabbed my hand and started crying. I asked her why was she crying and her response was “I never seen someone so young fight so hard for their child.” My response was I’m going to give him the same chance he has given me. 

Needless to say that weekend Mason had his 1st birthday party in the ICU in room 12. He was sent home on hospice in January of the following year. 

6 years later let’s just say we understood the assignment! 😝😝😝😝😝😝

Happy 7th birthday baby boy! 🥳🥳🥳♥