I International Meeting on : Menkes & Other Rare Copper Diseases (MARCO I) & Charity Gala
12-13 September 2024,
Málaga, Spain
Hybrid modality (in-person and online)
Thursday, 12 September 2024 and Friday, 13 September 2024 (full days)
Friday, 13 September 2024, 20:00 hrs – Charity Gala
Simultaneous interpretation (English-Spanish available)
Link to live streaming: vimeo.com/event/4380080
Detailed Schedule: Program Breakdown
Recommended hotel: Hotel Maestranza (154 eur/night).
Email (accommodation): malaga@mshoteles.com
Price: 30 euros (meeting) & 100 euros (gala dinner)
Payment: BIC/Swift: CAIXESBBXXX- IBAN: ES40 2100 0928 1302 0006 3432
Organising Committee

Day 1 : Thursday, 12 September 2024,
Menkes Day
Schedule Breakdown
08:30-09:30 Registration of participants
09.30-09:50 Opening and welcoming addresses
09:50-10:30 Inaugural lecture: Copper metabolism and the brain by Svetlana Lutsenko
10:30-11:00 Menkes disease: the challenges of a rare disease by Francesc Palau
— Coffee Break —
11:30-12:00 Ethics of prenatal sequencing of the whole genome for rare disorders: the case of Menkes disease by Anne-Marie Gerdes
12:00-12:30 The role of hospital compounding in access to treatments by Miquel Villaronga, Rubén Varela
12:30-13:00 Drug repurposing in rare diseases: the case of elesclomol-copper by Vishal Gohil
13:00-13:40 Approaches to early diagnosis and clinical management of Menkes patients by José Miguel Ramos-Fernández, Elena Godoy Molina
— Lunch —
15.00-15.30 The role of philanthropy in rare diseases: the case of Menkes disease by Yusuf Hamied
15:30-16:15 Round Table 1: The Copper(less) Committee: a unique initiative of international scientific cooperation. Moderator: Denis Broun
Members : Michael J. Petris, Francesc Palau, Aurora Mateos, Nina Horn.
16:15-16:45 Challenges of a clinical trial for Menkes disease by Vikram Sudarsam
— Tea Break —
17:15-18:00 Round Table 2: Clinical follow-up and support for Menkes patients
with exceptional treatment with elesclomol-copper. Moderator: Francesc Palau
Members : Elena Godoy, Stephanie Lotz, Rosa Marqués.
18:00-19:00 Round table 3: the voice of Menkes families. Moderator: Aurora Mateos
Members : Association Angelli per la Vita (Menkes Italy), family of a child following Menkes exceptional treatment, Foundation Amigos de Nono (Menkes Spain), Other Menkes families
Day 1 Speakers
* Svetlana Lutsenko, Professor of Physiology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Associate Director for Basic Science and Clinical Relations at Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences
* Francesc Palau, Director of the Department of Genetic Medicine and Pediatric Institute of Rare Diseases (IPER and CIBERER), Hospital Sant Joan Déu, Barcelona, Spain
* Diego Martinelli, Head, Metabolic Diseases Unit at Bambino Gesù Paediatric Hospital, Rome, Italy
* Elena Godoy Molina, Attending Pediatrician, Complex Chronic Children and Palliative Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Regional University Hospital, Málaga, Spain
* Anne-Marie Gerdes, Professor, Dept of Genetics Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University, Denmark
* Miquel Villaronga, Hospital Pharmacist, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain
* Rubén Varela, Hospital Pharmacist, Complejo hospitalario León, Spain
* Vishal Gohil, Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
* Yusuf Hamied, Philanthropist, CEO CIPLA Therapeutics
* Denis Broun, Director Givopax, Former Executive Director of UNTAID, World Health Organization, Medical Director of Menkes International
* Michael J. Petris, Professor of Biochemistry, Departments of Ophthalmology and Biochemistry, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA
* Francesc Palau, Director, Department of Genetic Medicine and Pediatric Institute of Rare Diseases (IPER and CIBERER), Hospital Sant Joan Déu, Barcelona, Spain
* Aurora Mateos, Founder and Director, Menkes International
* Nina Horn, Professor of Molecular Medicine. Head of Laboratory and Research at Kennedy Center
* Vikram Sudarsam, CEO, Engrail Therapeutics
* Francesc Palau. Director. Department of Genetic Medicine and Pediatric Institute of Rare Diseases (IPER and CIBERER), Hospital Sant Joan Déu, Barcelona, Spain
* Elena Godoy. Attending Pediatrician, Complex Chronic Children and Palliative Care Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Regional University Hospital, Málaga, Spain
* Stephanie Lotz. Clinical Researcher, Department of Genetic Medicine and Pediatric Institute of Rare Diseases (IPER and CIBERER), Hospital Sant Joan Déu, Barcelona, Spain
* Rosa Marqués. Neurological Physiotherapist, expert in Menkes children, Dulce Nombre de Maria Psychopedagogic Institute, Málaga
* José Miguel Ramos-Fernández. Neuropediatrician, Head of the Child Neurology Unit. Department of Pediatrics, Regional University Hospital, Málaga, Spain
Day 2 : Friday, 13 September 2024
Schedule Breakdown
09:00-09:30 New treatment pathways for copper related rare diseases by Michael J. Petris
09.30-10:00 Progress in gene therapy for rare copper diseases by Cristina Fillat
10:00-10:30 Wilson’s disease in pediatric patients: diagnosis and treatment by Aurelia Poujois
10:30-11:00 The Huppke-Brendel Syndrome and pre-clinical studies
related to the disease by Victoriano Mulero
— Coffee Break —
11:30-12:15 Round Table 4: The role of national drug regulatory agencies in new
treatments for rare diseases Manuel Ibarra, Milena Peraita
12:15-12:45 Inspirational stories: The importance of civil society
for rare disease new therapies by Nick Sireau
12:45-13:30 Round Table 5: The voice of other copper rare diseases families. Moderator Moderator: Aurora Mateos
Members : Faustino Giménez, Mª Paz Bustos, Other families of patients with rare copper diseases.
— Lunch —
Workshop for families
Side meeting room (level 1) Only in Spanish
10:30- 11:15 Workshop on nutrition by MD Javier Blasco
– Ad hoc nutrition aspects for patients with copper rare diseases, natural food enrichment, texturing and thickeners.
11:15- 12:00 Workshop on physiotherapy by Rosa Marqués
– The role of physiotherapists in copper rare diseases treatments and homework with patients.
(Food and drinks available during the workshop)
15.00-15.30 Informed medical consent and rare diseases by Joaquín Pérez Catalán
15:30-16:15 Round Table : Saving lives by predicting rare diseases
through newborn screening. Moderator: Raquel Yahyaoui
Members : James (Jim) Bonham, Cristiano Rizzo
16:15-16:45 Closing lecture: Central role of metals in biomedicine by Raphaël Rodriguez
16:45-17:15 Closing ceremony
— Charity Gala —
Day 2 Speakers
* Michael J. Petris, Professor of Biochemistry, Departments of Ophthalmology and Biochemistry, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA
* Cristina Fillat, Group Leader, Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)-Hospital Clínic, Barcelona
* Aurelia Poujois. Coordinator of Rare Disease Reference Centre “Wilson’s Disease and Other Copper-Related Rare Diseases” Neurology Department Rothschild Foundation Hospital, Head and Neck Expertise.
* Victoriano Mulero. Professor, Coordinator of Research Group on Immunity, Inflammation and Cancer, University of Murcia.
* Rosa Marqués, Neurological Pediatric Physiotherapist and Trainer Head of Clinical Pediatric Physiotherapist Teams.
* Nick Sireau, Beacon for Rare Diseases, CEO and Chair of Trustees at the AKU Society (UK)
* Manuel Ibarra, Head of the Department of Medicines Inspection and Control at the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS).
* Milena Peraita, Head of Compassionate Use at the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS).
* Faustino Giménez, Wilson Spain Association (Asociación Española de Familiares y Enfermos de Wilson)
* Mª Paz Bustos, Association Huppke-Brendl Syndrome Spain (Princesa Gabriela)
* Joaquín Pérez Catalán, Director, Division of International Relations, Spanish Agency of Data Protection
* Raquel Yahyaoui, Head, Dept. of Clinical Biochemistry. Clinical Laboratory Geneticist (EBMG), Hospital Regional Universitario de Málaga, IBIMA-Plataforma BIONAND, Spain.
* James (Jim) Bonham, President Elect of International Society of Newborn Screening
* Cristiano Rizzo, Principal Biologist of the Metabolic Diseases and Drug Biology Laboratory. Bambino Gesu Children’s Hospital, Rome, Italy.
* Aurora Mateos, Founder and Director, Menkes International
* Raphaël Rodriguez. Skłodowska-Curie Chair of Chemical Biology, Research Director CNRS. Institut Curie, France.